Hire a Virtual Assistant

70% of businesses in the US are outsourcing for growth and cost savings.

Our Approach

Personalized Understanding: We delve into your business model, identifying your unique challenges and requirements to match you with the ideal candidate.

Expert Recruitment: Our on-the-ground team in the Philippines meticulously evaluates and screens candidates, ensuring you get top talent at the best rates.

Rigorous Selection: Our multi-stage interview process includes comprehensive background checks and thorough system and internet evaluations.

Employee Well-being: We compensate our staff above market rates and provide premier healthcare plans, ensuring their motivation and long-term commitment to your business.


treantly Admin Assistant salary


Admin Assistant salary in the US


Potential Savings


plus employer taxes:
social security, Medicare, FUTA, SUTA


Potential Savings

Savings by hiring an Admin Assistant in The Philippines.


Hire in US


Hire in PH

Ready to work together?

We'll find you amazing remote employees for up to 80% less.

Hire Highly-Vetted
Virtual Assistants

Unlock global talent effortlessly with Treantly. Leveraging a dedicated team in the Philippines, we connect you to elite candidates. Experience premium recruitment. Starts at $7/hr.

Secure Office Studios

Leverage Treantly’s secure office studios for your offshore offices in the Philippines.